

HOdo Care Elder Party Member Fund expand the scope of funding

On the afternoon of November 24th, Wuxi HOdo Care Old Party Member Fund annual distribution activities, Wuxi Private Enterprise Marxism Research Association Annual Essay Awards and research group promotion activities were held at the Yew Convention Center. Zhou Jianjun, researcher of the Organization Department of Wuxi Municipal Committee, presided over the event and delivered a speech. Zhou Haijiang, secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and CEO of HOdo Group, distributed the Fund to the recipients.

According to reports, the total amount of funds distributed in 2018 is 724,500 yuan, 41 elder party members, elder secretary, 13 outstanding primary party organizations and party workers receive funding; there are also 7 primary party building work guidance stations and party building highlight project receiving the funding.

Zhou Haijiang said that creating the party care fund is to try to make some contribution as a party member. In HOdo Group, in addition to the Wuxi HOdo Care Elder Party Member Fund, there is also the “HOdo Charity Fund” “Wuxi Yaoting Charity Fund”, which has played a positive role and influence on financing employees and alleviating the poverty.

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