

HOdo is regarded as 2016 “my favorite Jiangsu brand”

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Recently, 2016 “my favorite Jiangsu brand” appraisal results were publicized at the 10th “Xinhua Summit Meeting” and HOdo Group “HOdo” brand was highly praised by the judges and the experts and successfully listed due to its popularity and reputation among the customers.


The appraisal of “my favorite Jiangsu brands” was jointly sponsored by the Provincial Trademark Strategic Implementation Leadership Team Office and the Provincial Administration of Industry and Commerce, Xinhua Daily Press and other units while over 400 trademarks from every field and industry all over the province took part in this appraisal. And after the verification by the industrial associations, the public vote and the rights confirmation by the trademark agents as well as review and appraisal by experts were carried out for over 7 months, 50 brands were elected finally as 2016 “my favorite Jiangsu brands”.

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