

Vice Minister of MIIT Mao Weiming Highly Affirmed Hodo’s Innovative Development Experience

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   On Sept. 04th, accompanied by the Deputy Mayor of the people’s government of Wuxi city, Vice minister of the National MIIT Mao Weiming investigated Hodo and highly affirmed Hodo’s innovative development from five aspects of challenge , innovation, brand, integration and culture in the symposium. President of Hodo group Zhou Haijiang, executive vice president Zhou Mingjiang and some group leaders attended the meeting.

Regarding Hodo’s future development direction and thinking, vice minister expressed that Hodo should further promote three directions for the development, which are informationization, internationalization and networking. Especially in the rapid development era of internet, enterprises should accelerate the E-commerce construction, speed up the pace of its model innovation and push the deeper integration of industrialization and informationization. Only by displaying the advantages itself while integrating high-quality resources, can enterprises expedite its development and remain invincible in the international arena of competition.


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