

HOdo Group is rated as the most influential brand at the 4th China Finance Summit

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On July 22, the 4th China Finance Summit focusing on “corporate wisdom, innovation and exploration under the new normal” was held in Beijing. Many of the biggest names in the fields of business, politics, academia, and media showed up at the summit and shared their study and ideas on transformation and upgrading, internet+, business innovation and inclusive finance” and other important topics through speech, dialogue, and in-depth sharing and so on.

Through the recommendation and strict examination of multiple parties, Hodo Group stood out among other Chinese brands to “win the most influential brand of 2015” on the strength of its excellent comprehensive public evaluation and brand influence. Besides, Zhou Haijiang, vice chairman of All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce and president of Hodo Group, Zheng Gang, general manager of BAIC BJEV, Xiao Hong, CEO of Perfect World, etc. were awarded character-related awards at the summit.

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