

Zhou Haijiang is elected vice-chairman of Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce

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Zhou Haijiang, Board Chairman of HOdo Group, was elected the vice-chairman of Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce on June 29.

Under his leadership, HOdo Group has developed rapidly. Its business scope expanded from knitted underwear to the textile and apparel industry, all-steel radial tire industry, biomedicine industry and commercial real estate industry, making it a large-scale private-owned enterprise group.


At present, the Group owns more than a dozen subsidiaries, including two on the Main Board and one on the New Third Board. Besides. It has overseas branches in the USA and Singapore, and established the 11.13-square kilometer Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ) in Cambodia.

Additionally, “紅豆(Hongdou)”, “千里馬(Celimo)” and “HOdo” have been rated as famous trademark of China by the State Administration for Industry & Commerce.

HOdo also spares no effort in repaying the society as it adheres to “all-win among eight parties”. For years, HOdo has donated more than 300 million yuan.

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