

HOdo Group won 2017 “Jiangsu Province Ping An Enterprise”

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Recently, HOdo Group was awarded 2017 “Jiangsu Province Ping An Enterprise”. It is reported that there are more than 80,000 enterprises participating in the selection. After strict layer-by-layer review, field inspection, comprehensive inspection and social publicity by the provincial and municipal “Ping An Enterprise” creation activities leading group, In the end, only 99 companies were on the list.

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The establishment of a safe enterprise is a consistent work of HOdo Group. HOdo Group has always attached great importance to the creation of “Ping An Enterprise” while company is producing and operating. The party committee of HOdo group has held several meetings to study and deploy the safety construction work, and set up a leading group for the creation of “Ping An Enterprise”. It has also taken the creation of “Ping An Enterprise” into its annual work objectives, and decomposed various tasks into each employee.

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