

HOdo Shopping Mall: Sales Promotions during the Magpie Festival

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From August 1, based on its diverse products and customized service, HOdo Shopping Mall will have a one-month promotion. Centering on “l(fā)ove for the Magpie Festival - more than one million Yuan’s promotion of Hodo Shopping Mall”, HOdo Shopping Mall will carry out activities of such three stages as “turning for love”, “blessing for love” and “staying for love”.   


In the early stage, registered customers can obtain coupons of 50 Yuan, 500 Yuan, 999 Yuan and so on through turning plate and drawing lottery. In the second stage, such promotions as “7.7 Magpie Festival”, “HOdo present carnival”, and “Magpie Festival special fund” will lead to the climax of the promotions and blessing for love will be gathered as well. In the last stage, targeted at the consumption of the Shopping Mall members, HOdo will carry out activities to show gratitude by offering consumers such representative presents as Hodo valentine bracelet, and wholesome Taxus chinensis for haze removal in the hope of having more lovers to have harmonious relationship.  


Meanwhile, to ensure the satisfaction of more customers and offer them more wonderful experience, HOdo Shopping Mall will offer the most competitive online prices through “cash against favorable comment” in an effort to attract more users.    

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