

HOdo Group joins Suning to participate in the 2019 Spring Apparel and Fashion Expo

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On March 12-14, 2019 China International Fashion Fair (CHIC 2019) kicked off at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. As the largest and most influential clothing and apparel brand exhibition in Asia, this exhibition has attracted many domestic and foreign brands to participate. On the 13th, Zhou Yaoting, president of the HOdo Group's shareholders' meeting, and Zhou Haijiang, chairman and CEO of the Group's board of directors, visited the 2019 China International Fashion Fair (CHIC 2019).


This year, HOdo joined hands with Suning to participate in the Fair, and launched the “HOdo Brand Day” series at Suning Tesco on the opening day of the Fair. HOdo men's wear, HOdo Home, XHDKiDS and other HOdo series clothing brands launched a variety of new products, sharing the HOdo brand with consumers through direct online and offline. In addition, the first cooperation between HOdo and Suning in the fashion fair, is not only a deep extension of the cooperation between the two parties, but also a future development path for the new retail of clothing under the era of new retail reform.

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