

Haijiang Zhou Was Elected as the Vice President of Jiangsu Market Supervision and Management Association

Published in: 2021-12-08

On December 8, the first General Meeting of Jiangsu Market Supervision and Management Association was held in Nanjing. The conference deliberated and voted on several important issues. It elected the first president, vice president, secretary-general, and chairman of the board of Supervisors. Haijiang Zhou, the chairman of the board of directors of HOdo Group, was invited to attend the meeting and elected as the vice president of Jiangsu Market Supervision and Management Association.


HOdo Group is a private enterprise in Jiangsu province with more than sixty years of developmental history, has always maintained a high ideological position, actively maintained a good market environment, and spared no effort in promoting the healthy development of private enterprises. HOdo Group has written "standardization" into the development concept of "six modernization," created compliance culture, strengthened compliance management and established and improved compliance system in the whole Group. These guaranteed the enterprise's steady and healthy development and conveyed the experience and concept that other enterprises could use for reference.

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