

Jiangsu, China-Cambodia "Silk Road E-commerce" cooperation project was officially launched

Published in: 2022-06-25

On June 24, under the guidance of the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia and the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce, In Wuxi city, Jiangsu province people's government foreign affairs office, the people's government, embassy economic and commercial counsellor's office of Cambodia, Jingdong group, and China post-Group's Jiangsu branch together through the combination of "online and offline" form jointly hosted China (Jiangsu) - Cambodia "silk road electric business cooperation project" the opening ceremony of the Cambodian national pavilion.


Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Hor Namhong sent a congratulatory letter to the event. Moreover, Cambodian Ambassador to China Sisodia, Cambodian Secretary of State for Commerce, Soong Sopa, Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia, Tianwen Wang, Executive Vice Governor of Jiangsu Gaoyun Fei, and Mayor of Wuxi, Jianjun Zhao, delivered video speeches.


China (Jiangsu) - Cambodia "silk road electric business cooperation project is Cambodia's international economic cooperation zones with Taihu Lake in Jiangsu investment co., LTD. The way it actively promotes digital economy cooperation promotes the development of cross-border electricity, more high-quality agricultural products exported to China market and new achievements in Cambodia, deepening the bilateral mutually beneficial and win-win new path in the exploration of practice.


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