

Hongdou Group Shows Effective High-Quality Development

Published in: 2023-05-07

In the first quarter of 2023, Hongdou Group demonstrated an impressive performance, with busy production, sufficient orders, and booming sales. Both Hongdou Group and its two listed companies achieved double-digit growth in sales and profits compared to the same period last year. Hongdou Corporation (600400) recorded a year-on-year increase of 22.06% in non-deductible net profit for the first quarter of 2023, while General Corporation (601500) achieved a net profit of 11.1486 million yuan, representing a growth of 50.29% compared to the previous year.



Amid a global economic slowdown, persistent high inflation in major economies, and a downward economic trend, Hongdou Group delivered impressive results in the first quarter of 2023, marking a strong start to its development. This achievement was not easily attained and showcases the company's commitment to excellence.


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