

Zhou Haijiang: Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone, Upholding Win-Win Cooperation, Becomes a Model for High-Quality Joint Construction of the 'Belt and Road'

Published in: 2023-10-18

"The Third Belt and Road International Cooperation Forum, themed 'High-Quality Joint Construction of the Belt and Road for Common Development and Prosperity,' took place in Beijing from October 17 to 18. Representatives from over 150 countries and more than 30 international organizations attended. Zhou Haijiang, Chairman of the China Association of Private Business Cooperation and Chairman of the Hongdou Group was invited to attend the 'Belt and Road Entrepreneurs Conference' and related forum activities. On the morning of October 17, the 'Achievements Presentation of the Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone under the 'Belt and Road' Initiative's Tenth Anniversary' was held simultaneously in Beijing."


"Zhou Haijiang has been invited three times to participate in the 'Belt and Road' construction symposiums and twice in the Belt and Road International Cooperation Forum. This marks Zhou Haijiang's third participation in the Belt and Road International Cooperation Forum. Listening to the speech by General Secretary Xi Jinping on site, Zhou Haijiang was very excited and greatly inspired. He said that over the past decade, the 'Belt and Road' initiative has achieved vigorous development, fruitful results, and valuable experiences. As participants and contributors to the 'Belt and Road,' we feel sincere pride and excitement."


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