

Hodo Group Won the National Quality Benchmark

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Recently, 30 enterprises got awarded the national quality benchmark--2014 with each own typical development experience by the MIIT. With the theme “Experimental Experience of Management Point of Service Encounter Based on Customers’ Needs”, Hodo group got successfully selected in the evaluation list and finally became the only enterprise from Wuxi city who won the honor, together with another enterprise in Jiangsu.

It is known that the “National Industrial Enterprise Quality Benchmark” is the best practice of applying advanced quality management method in industrial enterprises and implementing quality control, improving product quality and quality assurance and promoting business performance. It is also an important demonstration platform of the national guidance to enterprises in upgrading the quality management, product and service quality and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of industrial enterprises. After years of exploration, Hodo group has built very strict quality management system, who took the lead in setting up the chief quality officer system and is dedicated to improving the quality by strengthening the combination of outsourced supply management and internal production management and finally created the service encounter management experience based on customers’ needs. Now Hodo’s experience is widely applied among similar industrial enterprises.

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